Top 100 Spanish Adjectives: Essential Guide to Commonly Used Adjectives

An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun. As a continuation of our most common words series, here are the top 100 most common adjectives in Spanish, in alphabetical order. The list is longer than 100 in order to account for words with multiple meanings.

  1. abierto/a (open)
  2. aburrido/a (boring)
  3. agrio/a (sour)
  4. alto/a (tall/high)
  5. amable (kind)
  6. amargo/a (bitter)
  7. ancho/a (wide)
  8. bajo/a (short/low)
  9. barato/a (cheap)
  10. blando/a (soft)
  11. bonito/a (pretty)
  12. buen (short form of bueno, used before masculine singular nouns) (good)
  13. bueno/a (good)
  14. caliente (hot)
  15. caluroso/a (hot (weather))
  16. caro/a (expensive)
  17. cerca (near)
  18. cerrado/a (closed)
  19. claro/a (clear/bright)
  20. completo/a (complete)
  21. contento/a (happy/content)
  22. cuerdo/a (sane)
  23. curioso/a (curious)
  24. cómodo/a (comfortable)
  25. delgado/a (thin/slim)
  26. diferente (different)
  27. diferente (repeated for emphasis on different contexts) (different)
  28. difícil (difficult)
  29. disgustado/a (upset)
  30. dulce (sweet)
  31. duro/a (hard)
  32. débil (weak)
  33. eficaz (effective)
  34. elegante (elegant)
  35. enfermo/a (sick)
  36. estrecho/a (narrow)
  37. extrovertido/a (outgoing)
  38. feliz (happy)
  39. feo/a (ugly)
  40. fresco/a (fresh)
  41. frío/a (cold)
  42. frío/a (repeated for emphasis on different contexts) (cold)
  43. fuerte (strong)
  44. fácil (easy)
  45. gordo/a (fat)
  46. grande (big/large)
  47. hábil (skillful)
  48. igual (same/equal)
  49. importante (important)
  50. imposible (impossible)
  51. incompleto/a (incomplete)
  52. incómodo/a (uncomfortable)
  53. innecesario/a (unnecessary)
  54. inquieto/a (restless)
  55. interesante (interesting)
  56. invisible (invisible)
  57. joven (young)
  58. junto/a (together)
  59. largo/a (long)
  60. lejos (far)
  61. lento/a (slow)
  62. libre (free)
  63. ligero/a (light (weight))
  64. limpio/a (clean)
  65. lleno/a (full)
  66. lleno/a (repeated for emphasis on different contexts) (full)
  67. loco/a (crazy)
  68. malo (similar context-specific short form) (bad)
  69. malo/a (bad)
  70. mejor (better)
  71. mismo/a (same)
  72. mojado/a (wet)
  73. necesario/a (necessary)
  74. nublado/a (cloudy)
  75. nuevo/a (new)
  76. ocupado/a (busy)
  77. oscuro/a (dark)
  78. peligroso/a (dangerous)
  79. peor (worse)
  80. pequeño/a (small)
  81. pesado/a (heavy)
  82. picante (spicy)
  83. pobre (poor)
  84. podrido/a (rotten)
  85. posible (possible)
  86. primero/a (first)
  87. propio/a (own)
  88. rico/a (rich)
  89. rico/a (in the context of taste) (tasty)
  90. rápido/a (fast)
  91. salado/a (salty)
  92. sano/a (healthy)
  93. seco/a (dry)
  94. seguro/a (safe)
  95. separado/a (separate)
  96. soleado/a (sunny)
  97. sucio/a (dirty)
  98. tranquilo/a (calm)
  99. triste (sad)
  100. último/a (last)
  101. vacío/a (empty)
  102. vacío/a (repeated for emphasis on different contexts) (empty)
  103. ventoso/a (windy)
  104. viejo/a (old)
  105. viejo/a (repeated for emphasis on different contexts) (old)
  106. visible (visible)

Here are the top ten most common adjectives, in order of frequency.

  1. bueno/a – (good)
  2. malo/a – (bad)
  3. grande – (big, great)
  4. pequeño/a – (small)
  5. nuevo/a – (new)
  6. viejo/a – (old)
  7. primero/a – (first)
  8. último /a – (last)
  9. largo/a – (long)
  10. corto/a – (short)

I advise that you either glance at the lists in this article for a quick refresher; or break them up into small groups to practice with if they are new to you. ¡Buena suerte!



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